CSR / Customer Service Insurance Careers
CSR Insurance Careers

For those team players, customer service is a career worth considering. It is a job that involves spending a lot of time on the phone and actively participating in team meetings. To learn more about CSR, Call Center Jobs, and more, check out this article.
Fun Customer Service Jobs and Clerical Careers in Insurance. Find information about the best CSR jobs in insurance. Learn about customer service job opportunities in insurance call centers, including job descriptions and salaries.
Customer service representative insurance careers are widely available at well-established local and national insurance companies. Some things to consider before taking a job in an insurance call center:
A customer care specialist job is not a stepping stone into another career in insurance. Insurance call center managers are posting jobs for CSRs that are permanent full-time positions. For years, sales, marketing and claims have poached valuable team members from insurance customer service departments, and supervisors are savvy; they want to hire people who view clerical work as a career, not a launching pad for something else.
Customer service jobs can be a lot of fun for a team player. People who don’t work well as part of a team won’t enjoy an insurance claims or call center CSR job. Sure, CSRs and people in clerical careers spend a lot of time on the phone or on their own for most of the day. But they also need to participate in team meetings, team-building exercises, group training and birthdays, showers and parties for coworkers, too. The bond between team members that work in the call center pressure cooker is almost unbreakable. Even people with widely varying personalities have to come together and help each other when it’s needed.
Insurance Call Center Jobs
It takes a strong person to make a career as a customer service representative. The atmosphere is often highly charged, with high-stress situations that need quick decisions and the ability to work closely with others as a group:
People have to have the ability to make split-minute decisions to get the best insurance CSR jobs. CSRs and people in clerical jobs may have to check in with a manager to get permission before making some decisions. But they are also given some authority to make judgment calls. The ability to distinguish between a critical situation that needs immediate attention and a run of the mill call about a late insurance payment is an important part of being successful in a customer care specialist job.
Insurance call center managers look for CSR job applicants with strong problem-solving skills and excellent written, verbal and listening skills. Basic computer skills and experience using a multi-line phone (logging into a CSR phone queue, placing people on hold, transferring calls) are a definite plus for insurance claims service and CSR jobs. Problem solving skills come in handy, as people in clerical jobs will often need to research problems for customers.
Flexibility is a must-have for customer care specialist jobs. Applicants for clerical careers may be expected to work evenings or weekends if they take a customer care specialist job with an insurance company. Ask questions about the work schedule before accepting any clerical job. Find out if working overtime or working additional hours are required at any time of the year.
Customer Service Representative Career Salaries
The salary range for an insurance call center job is around $25,000 to $35,000 annually with benefits. The low end of the salary range for an entry-level CSR varies depending upon experience. The overall salary expectations aren’t too much higher, unless there is a move into an insurance call center supervisor or manager job. CSRs may also have the opportunity to make more if they take an insurance claims CSR job or customer care specialist job that involves sales.
The copyright of the article CSR Insurance Careers in Insurance is owned by Lisa Nichols. Permission to republish CSR Insurance Careers in print or online must be granted by the author in writing.
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Category: Career and Employment Advice