Interview Tips: Advice From a Harvard Career Advisor
How can you properly prepare for a job interview? Linda Spencer, the Assistant Director of the Office of Career Services at Harvard, gives some practical advice useful to job-hunters of any age.
Carole Martin is an expert on the subject of interviews. You could say that I am passionate about the subject - I eat, drink, and sleep the subject. I have interviewed thousands of people and have watched them make major mistakes and lose the job to someone else. Although I wanted to help them, I couldn't because I was on the other side of the desk. When I returned to grad school in 1993 to pursue my Master's degree, I made a decision to change what I did because I wanted to help people. I love having the ability of making a difference in people's lives.
If you’ve been in a job search for more than a few weeks you may be experiencing the feelings of defeat and despair, not to mention the urge to give up. It’s been a tough year, and then some, for those who have lost jobs for whatever reason. Interviewing with no second interviews or offers […]
This is a hard one to answer but a little thought ahead of time will let you deal with it. It’s difficult to believe that employers are still asking this type of question. Don’t they read the newspapers or listen to the news? If they were informed, they would know the answer; i.e. jobs are […]
Not getting a follow up call, as promised, happens more than you think. Candidates are sure that they are a shoe-in for the position, and expecting an offer, and then nothing. This is not only frustrating for the candidate, but reflects poorly on the company.
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